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  • Empfang

    Heubnerweg 2a - 14059 Berlin
    Telefon: +49 30 326903-0 - Telefax: +49 30 326903-600


To make your journey easier, you will find the most common routes to our hotel here ...

by car coming from south or west

  • Drive from the A9 or the A2 to the A10 (Berliner Ring) direction Frankfurt/Oder
  • Change from the A10 to the A115 direction Berlin-Zentrum
  • At the motorway junction Funkturm change to A100 direction Hamburg/ Wedding
  • Exit Spandauer Damm
  • Turn right into Spandauer Damm and take the left lane
  • At the traffic light turn left into Sophie-Charlotten-Straße and then turn right into the second street on your right hand side, that is Mollwitzstraße
  • The intersection road an the end of Mollwitzstraße is Heubnerweg. The hotel can be found next to Schlosspark-Clinic

by car coming from north

  • Drive from A24 to the A10 (Berliner Ring) direction Berlin-Zentrum
  • At the motorway junction Oranienburg change to the A111 direction Berlin-Zentrum
  • The A111 becomes the A100 later on
  • Exit Spandauer Damm
  • Turn left into Spandauer Damm
  • At the next traffic light turn left into Sophie-Charlotten-Straße, drive ahead and turn right into the second street on your right hand side, that is Mollwitzstraße
  • The intersection road an the end of Mollwitzstraße is Heubnerweg. The hotel can be found next to Schlosspark-Clinic

by public transportation

Bus 309, stop Schlosspark-Klinik, distance to Schlosspark-Hotel 100 m.
S-Bahn stop Westend, distance to Schlosspark-Hotel 1 km.
For detailed information, please see timetable information of Berlins public transportation:


Schlosspark-Hotel GmbH
Heubnerweg 2 a
14059 Berlin

Phone:+49 30 326903-0
Fax:+49 30 326903-600

Schlosspark Hotel Logo

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