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  • Empfang

    Heubnerweg 2a - 14059 Berlin
    Telefon: +49 30 326903-0 - Telefax: +49 30 326903-600


Schlosspark-Hotel GmbH
Heubnerweg 2 a
14059 Berlin


Telephone : +49 30 326903-0
Telefax: +49 30 326903-600
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Name of legal representative

Dr. Gunnar Pietzner

Hotel manager

Claudia Kliese

Trade register:

Charlottenburg, HRB 12469

Tax identity number:



Claudia Kliese

Concept, design and development



Schlosspark-Hotel: Dirk Pagels

Mitarbeiter: Hans Scherhaufer

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Legal Notice

Schlosspark-Hotel has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this web site is accurate. However, Schlosspark-Hotel makes no warranty, either expressed or implied as to its preciseness, correctness and completeness. Schlosspark-Hotel is not responsible for the content of external web sites linked to its site by hyperlink. Schlosspark-Hotel reserves the rights to change and adapt the current content without prior notice. The content of the Schlosspark-Hotel website is protected by copyright.

Written Permission must be gained in advance from Schlosspark-Hotel before reproducing any of the web site content. This applies particularly to texts, text extracts and all graphic material.


Schlosspark-Hotel GmbH
Heubnerweg 2 a
14059 Berlin

Phone:+49 30 326903-0
Fax:+49 30 326903-600

Schlosspark Hotel Logo

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